Kabir Das Jayanti

Sant Kabir Das Jayanti WhatsApp Status Video

We are here again with more WhatsApp status videos and this time these are all about Kabir Das Jayanti WhatsApp status videos. If you believe in Kabir’s ideology then you must share his thought on this Kabir Das Jayanti and our Kabir Das Jayanti special WhatsApp status video can make your work easy. Download Kabir Das Jayanti status video now and remember the one of the greatest poet of our history.

Kabir das was a great indian saint and poet. He is known as a greatest poet of Indian bhaktikaal. Kabir das spent his childhood life with Muslim family but he was very influenced by his teacher Ramananda. Ramanda was a great hindu bhakti leader and kabir das followed him despretely. Kabir das wrote so many poems (Doha) about human real life and his poem was very impressive and inspiring. The best poem of kabir is “Duniya badi bawari patthar pujan jae, ghar ki chaki koi na puje jako peeso khaae”.
Guru kabir das was born in 24th june and we celebrate this day as Sant kabir das jayanti. This kabir das jayanti we brought you a huge collection of kabir das jayanti whatspp status videos. In these kabir das jayanti whatsapp status videos you will best of kabir doha (poem).

Why to download kabir das jayanti whatsapp status video

If you want to remember and give tribute to Guru kabir das then whatsapp status is the best way. By downloading kabir das jayanti special whatspp status video here you will get amazing kabir doha in form of 30 seconds short vidoes. These videos are perfect to be shared on whatsapp and for uploading on your whatsapp status. These poems are very related to real life and truly inspiring in depressed situations.

How to download kabir das jayanti status video

We made the download process very simple. You can download these kabir das jayanti whatsapp status video with in 1 minute. Just follow the steps given below

  • Open the kabir das jayanti whatsapp status category
  • Now play the video online
  • Select the video you want to download
  • Click the “download status video” button below video
  • Now video is saved in your local drive.

Kabir das jayanti
Sant kabir das jayanti
Gurur kabir das jayanti
Kabir das jayanti whatsapp status video
Kabir das jayanti whatsapp status video download
Kabir das jayanti whatsapp status download
Kabir das jayanti status video download